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What's up, Funny Girl?

Babs rubs a lot of intolerable people the wrong way what with her goofy politics and vitriolic rhetoric it's a given that racists, sexist, homophobic xenophobes would hate her with everything they've got. Not me. Barbra Streisand has had a perma-link on the KOTCB blog for over 10 years and I doubt it shall ever be removed. Why? Because she's a clown dipshit and whatever her politics, she loves America and knows how to belt out a song* - Also, she has impeccable comic timing which she showed off in hear early stage and screen work in the '60s and '70s. Take for example, "What's Up, Doc?" the brilliant 1970's slapstick where she played the mischievous Judy Maxwell and caused a lot of trouble for everyone she met (not the least for her father Judge Maxwell). Well, she's still got it and she showed it off at a Hitlery fund raiser the other night. Fortunately for America HRC has none of this woman's gifts for delivering a line - in fact, they're almost polar opposites in that regard (and probably lots of other regards)

*Also, she seems to have a thing for goyish guys like me (which I like).


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