"hang on, hang on, hang on, hang on... hammers?"
Yep, smashed them with hammers like they do in some Hollywood crime drama. That's how criminals dispose of evidence. Not that your average voter will ever get this information because, just like the news anchor in this video clip, they have no idea that this actually happened and unless a Trump spokesperson brings it up they will never report on it. The producers at CNN simply don't want their viewing audience to know the inconvenient truths outlined in the HRC interview with the FBI and one of them is the destruction of federal property to dispose of emails that they were under court order to hand over. Hey, it happens, just like the "oh shit" moment HRCs high tech guru had before he wiped clean the server email archive with BleachBit.
You can't really blame these Clinton staff members and lackeys - Hillary kills people and if you don't want to die then you just gotta do what you gotta do. It's politics. But does the news media need to play along and cover it all up year after year? It seems to me that if someones using a hammer then someone else has to cut them down and put an end to it. Where, oh where, is our sickle of justice.