Back wherever they came from? |
Leave it to the
The Ragin' Cajun to "teach" us about the futility in decrying a rigged systems - like there's never been any ballot stuffing in Louisiana. Oh no, the best you can do in Jimmy's opinion is cram in 100 fake ballots here and another hundred over there, you know, it happens but "a fundamental attack on the country itself" now that's going too far. Out of bounds to call into question widespread voter fraud because... well... er... um... well, it's like I say to my Tulane mush minds:
"I tell my students, if there's such a thing as a sacred moment in a secular democracy is when the former president gets on the helicopter and goes to Andrews [Air Force Base] to go to the plane to go back wherever they came from and a new president takes office. That's the moment, that's the key moment in any democracy because, you know, you lose, you leave or you're eight years up and you go and the new person comes in," Carville said.
If that's the case then his former boss has pissed all over that sacred moment from day one.
A. Bill Clinton would have never left office were it not for the 22nd Amendment - I dare say that he'd still be POTUS today if he were not forced, clawing at the door jam, from the white house by constitutional constraints. He loved it and (obviously) will do anything (including foisting his wife on America) to get back in the oval.
B. When Clinton's did get on the helicopter to leave the White House in Jan. 2001 they didn't have to go "back wherever they came from" because a month earlier they had purchased a $3.5M home at a steep discount of $2.8M in Washington DC (not a bad deal). Whitehaven is exactly what it's name implies - a haven from Little Rock, Arkansas and as white as Washington DC gets - whiter than the White House.
C. It is a fact that the Clinton team will do whatever it takes to win an election - including befouling the franchise - and don't care any more about the sanctity of it's democratic "underpinning" than they do about its "sacred moment." If they can rig the ballot box they'll do it without batting an eye - they're shameless.
James Carville know all this, and being the loyal in-fighter that he is, he'll gladly stuff ballot boxes, count hanging chads, hack computerized voting booths, drive illegal aliens and convicted felons to the polls and whatever else to swing the election. That's how it's done and if it's close that's how it will be done but I'm getting the feeling from brother James that he's not so sure it's going to be close. There's a sense of desperation on Morning Joe this September that wasn't there in August. As if the clown makeup is smudging and slipping off their faces and that even though the
media always talk about the Clinton's "home" in Chappaqua, NY the voters are starting to figure out that the Clampetts actually live in
NW Washington DC and they can't "go back wherever they came from" because no such place exists.