Just over the DC line to avoid the local city government and taxes |
I don't mean to pick on poor old E.J. Dionne Jr., the friendly and very ernest Democrat opinion writer who's lived his life scurrying around the labyrinth of the Administrative State and sipping cocktails with inside the beltway power players. He's not a Trump supporter, nor should he be - he must be dead set #NeverTrump including armed resistance if necessary because a Trump presidency would not only disrupt his lucrative livelihood and damper the
ocean of money sloshing around the 495 kiddy pool that keeps the glorious cocktail parties well stocked with booze and hors d'oeuvres. For Dionne, Trump is an existential crisis that must be stopped and this Bostonian who makes his home on a tree lined Bethesda street inside the belt-way will do whatever it takes to destroy the Elvis from Queens. Politics is politics, but this is war.
But the other day E.J. did bring a smile to my face with his WaPo op-ed "
Trump’s sour Virginia cocktail" with the mirthful tag line "The candidate is not someone Virginians would have over for drinks." Has anyone, on either side of the political aisle, illuminated the essential problem of the Trump candidacy more succinctly and profoundly than this carpetbagging New England jackass who no self respecting Virginian would have darken their door for a drink or otherwise? No. Not that this
Massachusetts troll knows anything about Virginia cocktails because the state that invented the mint julep will drink some pretty unique concoctions depending on the time and place. And even if Virginians did dane to invite Donald J. Trump over for drinks there's a good chance he wouldn't accept the invitation because DJT DOSEN'T DRINK. He's an all business teetotaler who doesn't give a damn about slurping down whiskey and cramming his pie-hole full of shrimp cocktail, endive chips and brie cheese.
70+ years of beltway theft |
The best part - the real cherry on top - is the "Virginian" E. J. Dionne suggests is the authoritative gentile voice of the Commonwealths GOP establishment, former state senator
Russ Potts who all but sabotaged the Republican Gubernatorial candidate, Jerry Kilgore, in the 2005 election thereby lifting a smiling Tim Kaine (no Virginian) to high office which served as a stepping stone to the US Senate and now the VPOTUS. And the verdict on Trump? “He doesn’t make the cut for a lot of reasons,” says the Winchester, VA based septuagenarian - NOCD, can't abide his rudeness and shoddy character. Potts is "with Her" this year because... umm... er... Because he's a RINO squish who will do anything, and I mean anything, to protect and preserve the established order in DC and Richmond that keeps him and his associates feeding at the golden through. It has nothing to do with cocktails or Virginia or even Trump specifically, but it has everything to do with the collection and distribution of spoils that Russ Potts designed from his state senate seat and the E. J. Dionne advocates at every level of government from is plumb spot at The Washington Post.
It is disgraceful how these journalists and politicians will talk about every personal foible that Trump has - there are many - and sight them as disqualifying shortcomings while never getting around to speaking truthfully about the REAL reason they abhor the prospect of a Trump presidency. The very real (and legitimate) fear that Trump will tear down the system that they've devised to supply themselves with power, treasure and influence well beyond their intrinsic value and worthiness. The herd of GOP lemmings (politicians, pundits and plutocrats) made from the same stuff as Russ Potts who are leaping into the Hitlery camp is a testament to this fear - and a testament to nothing but fear.