“Pocahontas” Warren call your office, I think we've found a way to put all the name calling and taunts about your Native American fantasy behind us and move on. This woman Kim took a simple DNA test and got a full breakdown on where she came from including percentages - she's more that 1/4 Native American and that's 1. surprising to her and 2. has opened up a new world of opportunity. Interesting...
- Perhaps she did not know her parents or grandparents or great-grandparents for to be 1/4 Indian one or at least a few of them would have to be Indian too - I'm not saying full on Navajo or Algonquin or whatever but half-breeds or something close to push that much genetic material into Kim. So where's the surprise?
- This knowledge really does affect how a person perceives themselves and does open up, in some strange and inexplicable way, the persona one builds to strange new possibilities - especially in a racialist society.
And these surprising and opportunistic realities should be grasped by both fists to shake America from its slumber to meet the new day. I propose a nation wide DNA test so that people of every ethnicity can get the true story of their origin. This would be especially surprising for some of our African-American citizens when they realize just how white the matter of their black lives is, but it's a blade that cuts both ways and, like Kim, many white Americans would find some tar in their woodpile. Latinos would be shocked to find out white Euro-centric their genetic code really is and Asians could find out where they really came from too. The possibilities are endless and the variety in aggregate would astound the race partitions so popular in multi-cult America and sort of blow the whole thing up - in a positive way.
Of course it would be impossible to force everyone in the USA to take a DNA test so I guess we'll have to think of another way to disrupt and overthrow the constrained, race based fascism that has enveloped and infected every aspect of our political and social life.
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Heil Multi-Cult, Death to Multi-Cult |