Best Day - Obamacare (CRASH - you should see what this did to my premiums! And my frigg'n deductable. Great day for you but a lousy day for me).
Worst Day - Sandy Hook (SMASH - we're talking 7.5 years of Presidency here Barack - psycho murder of children is bad, but let's be honest, it's happening on a daily basis in the Middle East and you don't seem that upset about it).
Biggest Accomplishment - Saving the economy (KABOOM - is running the credit card up to $21 Trillion the way to "save" ourselves? My kids will love this news. As will their children. As will their children's children).
Worst Mistake - The day after in Libya (POW! - yeh, that was one crazy night, "what the hell was I thinking"? That was March 20, 2011 or something like 1,850 days ago so how do you feel about all those days of blood & terror? Okay, I guess).
Will Miss - Air Force One (SHAZAM - the truth slips out. You bet your ass you'll miss Air Force One. Who wouldn't? It's not like you were ever going to fly like that without attaining the Presidency but you did it brother and it's been awesome, um, wait a second, you better say something about the American people and their "unbelievable" country - Bwahaha).
Looking Forward To - Taking a walk outside (ZAP - like the opposite of the walk we're currently taking through this fucking library which I always hated and will never, and I mean never, step foot in again).
Heretofore we have been walking (and talking) through a warren of bookshelves bathed in fluorescent light. Hellishly monotonous and inhuman for the future POTUS to work in this salt mine (minus the salt) but then we arrive at the office Barack Obama occupied for 11 years. The office where he wrote the first of his two memoirs "Dreams From My Father". The office that he sat in, day after day - working, seething, dreaming and planning. Take a look:
A place to dream
Yep, this was his office and if you watch the video you'll see BHO try to exit it as fast as he possibly can - FNS has to stick in a cut away and do some fancy editing to make it look like he stayed in the room but once he settles down this, arms crossed, exchange ensues:
WALLACE: So what would you tell -- if you could go back 12 years in time -- that law professor? What would you tell him that he didn't know about how the world works?
OBAMA: Well, first of all, that law professors back then would think I was crazy saying that somehow you might end up being president. You know what? What I would tell him is what I was telling some of those law students downstairs, that for all the frustrations of democracy and all the contention, it is not always a straight line, but if you put your shoulder to the wheel and you have faith in our democracy and our system, it works.
WALLACE: So it's more complicated than people would have understood then?
OBAMA: Absolutely. And, you know, I think that when you're outside of the system, you are properly outraged at this ineptitude of the government or this corruption or this issue that you feel deeply about. When you're in it, what you realize is, is that if you follow this process, if you're respectful of this process, then we can sort it out. And not everybody’s going to be completely happy with it. But it will beat any other system given that we are human and given original sin. You know, this is going to work about as well as it can.
WALLACE: Mr. President, thank you.
OBAMA: Thank you.
WALLACE: Thanks for talking with us.
OBAMA: Enjoyed you bringing me back here.
WALLACE: Are you sure about that?
OBAMA: Um, not entirely, no.
WALLACE: Has anything you've said in todays interview been truthful?
OBAMA: Dee system has been Berry, Berry good to me.
One guy who's not so sold on "the system" from the inside or the outside is DJT and so he asked the American people a question. Is an election system written by lawyers, for the benefit of lawyers and exploited by lawyers the kind of system you want to put shoulder to the wheel hoping to make it work about as well as it can - given original sin and everything?
She was "sexy", but "too much hard work." I'm a regular Fox & Friends viewer (mostly in protest of the other insipid morning programs like Today and Good Morning America) so over the years I've gotten to know Gretchen Carlson pretty well. Stuck between Steve and Brian she always seemed a prudish scold with an irritating, self-righteous demeanor that I simply put up with because I figured some people in the Fox audience actually liked her persona. It was obvious that Steve and Brian did not, but they were stuck with her like so many talking heads and had to make the best of it - which they did. Besides, she was no worse than any of the other women on morning show TV - I mean, you're only going to find a certain kind of person to do this kind of work and that kind of person is the Gretchen Carlson kind. Then, one day, she was gone and replaced by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the F&F ratings began to climb, and climb and climb - in two months view...
I've been tempted to post something on the KOTCB blog since the day the Elvis from Queens tweeted about Mika's bleeding face and the ensuing media meltdown flooded the broadcast airways and Internet with gunk. But every frigg'n day @POTUS lets loose another tweet or 2 that usurps whatever I was going to say the day before so I've just been waiting and watching and loving every minute of it. With Sunday's napalm strike he might have finally brought them to their knees - but there's always tomorrow. The latest tweet was immediately condemned by journalists, who said Trump seemed to be promoting physical violence against the media, while a Republican lawmaker said the president was trying to "weaponize distrust" through his postings. "Promoting physical violence" or a tactic to "weaponize distrust" don't explain it folks - this is total war waged by a pachyderm with old, scared hide who's been beaten and whipped for so ...
In the Techno-Fascist Imperium the "Holidays" festivities start on Columbus Day, when the Halloween candy pops up, and end New Years Day with college football Bowl games, black-eyed peas and collard greens. To be clear, the Imperium doesn't celebrate Columbus Day, au contraire, the Indigenous Peoples' Day psyop has been pushed hard by the IC for the past 50 years of failure but the candy... THE CANDY. This year's IPD got turned up to eleven when the colonizers of America's 51st state got kidnapped, raped and murdered by some indigenous maniacs on Sukkot 10/7 and, as a result, soured the festive '23 Holiday mood. Hey, we soldiered on, as it were, and kept on celebrating while the world burned: Halloween - Big for children and weirdos. Thanksgiving - Focus on God, country and family. Hannukkah - Jewish assimilation. Xmas - Santa Claus and gifts. Kwanzaa - Black Lives Matter. I'd call them Happy Holidays if it wasn't a neo-Nazi dog whistle to vocal...