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Heidi Hole

He did indeed. The "it" in question was the battle of the prospective first ladies between Cruz and Trump and Coulter's insight was posted in response to a tweet by Kasie Hunt of MSNBC News who thought Anderson Cooper had a cleaver response to Trumps nuclear Twitter strike in this war. Here is how it goes down in the land of TV "journalism" and I want you to think about the exchange real hard.
Donald Trump: "He started it."
Anderson Cooper: "Sir, with all due respect, that's the argument of a 5-year-old."
The first question to ask yourself is did Ted Cruz start it? The second question is (and I happen to have a 5 year old) weather this is the "argument of a 5-year-old" and even if it is, does that invalidate the point being made respectfully or not?

The answer to question 1 is YES, Ted Cruz did start it and the attack (and eventual planned sacrifice) of Melania Trump was coordinated with Cruz supporting "conservatives" in the media (including whack-jobs like Glenn Beck) and a Cruz affiliated Super PAC with the sole purpose of embarrassing Trump and costing him votes. The Make America Awesome! (yep, there is an exclamation point) Super PAC had tested Melania spots in Utah to great effect and were ready to roll them out in other primary States (don't bother trying to find these racy ads now because they've all been pulled from the internet) but now they've changed their minds - wonder why? My guess is that the Cruz campaign had already prepped the MSM with stories of how successful the Melania angle had been for their candidate and every cable news and Sunday talk show had a package cued up and ready to broadcast showing this (for a full week):

Speaks 5 languages and is smoke'n hot

Instead, America got THIS:
Never saw it coming
Now there are few things that can rattle Ted Cruz's cage and, putting his deep devotion for Heidi to the side, a tweet about his wife is not one of them. But having a long planned strategic attack blow up in his face WILL piss Cruz off.

Now Heidi is canceling events in New Jersey and Celebrating Women with Ted in Wisconsin. A few months of Trump tweets and she'll probably look like this:

Once was beautiful and fetching - Now a stone cold UES bitch

Which brings us to the second question and the fact is, even for 5 year olds, there is always someone who starts it. 5 year olds are not wrong - in fact they're usually telling the truth about who started it, but parents being stupid and impatient don't want to go through the arduous process of figuring out why the older sibling (usually) or friend started the argument so they get exasperated and give the 5 year old a "time out" even though he's innocent. This is the role that "grownup" Anderson Cooper is trying to play in his questioning of Trump - he doesn't want to know the truth. He just wants it to stop - and so does the 5 year old.


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