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Clown Establishes "Safe Space"

Safe in Waukesha
Creating a "safe space" or "safe zone" is the new fad on college campuses all over America. Some people are very concerned about it, but I figure it will have about as much impact on national life as pole sitting, streaking or planking did - none.  "Safe spaces" are difficult to create and maintain, especially in "gun-free zones" which most college campuses are, and no school president or administrator is going to bloody their hands to establish them in a meaningful way. It's just a passing fancy that students who are dedicated to learning and intellectual exploration are going to have to put up with for a year or two and, once they graduate, remember with grim amusement once they're living and working in the un-safe world of reality. This years fad started in the magical land of Mizzou and quickly spread to those infamous copy-cat Ivy's. Now it's everywhere - including Carroll University in Waukesha, WI where an innovative performance artist is creating "safe spaces" through impromptu appearances wearing clown garb. Hey, whatever it takes!

WaPo and the NYTimes bear witness:
PRINCETON, N.J. — Princeton’s student activists have got everyone talking.
A 32-hour sit-in and a marathon meeting inside the president’s’ office ended with President Christopher Eisgruber signing a document that promised, among other things, to consider the removal of Woodrow Wilson’s name from the university.
Yep, scrub his name from Princeton. Hell, scrub his name from US history. I'm all for it - this is a movement I support without reservation. Of course, most of the Democrat party will go down the drain with Woodrow once the scrubbing is finished and we rinse the sink, but that's history for ya'.

My guess is that, unfortunately, Princeton will NOT expurgate WW from the institution but might place some kind of "safe space" sign beside his statue saying something judgmental about his racism and personality disorder but reminding students that his heart was in the right place - he loved government. But I want Princeton students to know, there is a better way to create a safe space and you don't have to look far to find an very effective example.

Last week I went to the NCAA Women's Soccer Tournament to watch the Princeton Tigers take on the USC Trojans (neither one are very feminine mascots but whatever) and arriving late I parked my car about 1/4 mile from the stadium but even from that distance I heard the bellow of a fan drifting out from the bleachers. As I approached the tournament I counted the cadence of every shout, every cheer, every word of encouragement from this dedicated Tigers Dad and he average a shout out every 6 to 10 seconds. He kept up the encouragement THE ENTIRE GAME and, in doing so, created a "safe space" of at least 15 feet around his person - no one dared sit near him on the bleachers. He was alone, protected and safe. Here is the lesson young Ivy League strivers - shout it out at the top of your lungs longer and louder than anyone can bear and you'll find your "safe space" - create it yourself, don't ask someone to make it for you, and you will find your freedom.


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