I was scrolling through my email to scan any news about Jim Harbaugh and the Mighty Michigan Wolverines as tomorrow nights game against Utah fast approaches when I came across this alert from the WSJ: Five Chinese Navy Ships Are Operating in Bering Sea Off Alaska Coast. And the thought crossed my mind, wouldn't it be funny if the Chinese invaded and occupied Alaska while the President is "paring his bucket list" Running Wild With Bear Grylls? To quote The One: “Beats being in the office.” And it would beat GWB's reading children's books while the twin towers burned by an Alaskan mile. Just as a sign of disrespect it's pretty bald faced and provocative so here's hoping the ChiComs don't pull the trigger and Red Dawn Wasilla. If they do I'll be rooting for a different gang of Wolverines to take matters into their own hands and send the yellow hoard back where they came from. Zero Hedge sees it for what it is.
She was "sexy", but "too much hard work." I'm a regular Fox & Friends viewer (mostly in protest of the other insipid morning programs like Today and Good Morning America) so over the years I've gotten to know Gretchen Carlson pretty well. Stuck between Steve and Brian she always seemed a prudish scold with an irritating, self-righteous demeanor that I simply put up with because I figured some people in the Fox audience actually liked her persona. It was obvious that Steve and Brian did not, but they were stuck with her like so many talking heads and had to make the best of it - which they did. Besides, she was no worse than any of the other women on morning show TV - I mean, you're only going to find a certain kind of person to do this kind of work and that kind of person is the Gretchen Carlson kind. Then, one day, she was gone and replaced by Elisabeth Hasselbeck and the F&F ratings began to climb, and climb and climb - in two months view...