EEOC fails to take immediate action - tragic result |
Anyone who's ever dealt with the HR department at a regional TV station can have a little (very little) sympathy for Vester Lee Flanagan - a German-English-Irish American who suffered discrimination because of his heavy dose of melanin and negroid features - also, he might have been gay. A gay, black Irishman is ipso facto a Human Resource departments nightmare employee but by all accounts Vester (AKA Bryce Williams) was a pretty good Journo, for what it's worth, but the persistent racism he suffered from sharp tongued reporters and producers sent him over the edge. So he made his own news by committing cold blooded murder on live TV and then posting his own video on "social media." Maybe now journalist will finally start to get the message that #BlackLivesMatter and stop ignoring the events in Ferguson, MO, Baltimore, MD and Charleston, SC - somebody had to give the News Media a wake up call and Vester just did it. I can't imagine what racial slur Alison Parker used on VLF2 but it must have been a real zinger to compel him to hunt her down on live TV - too bad HR didn't step in earlier and give some racial/gender sensitivity training to the employees. Oh well, just another day at the Newsplex reporting on murder, homophobia and race - only this time they ate two or three of their own. Now everyone at the TV station is staring at their shoes wondering how it happened. Well, welcome to the world WE the people all have to live in WDBJ - the world you report on from your remote studio behind security screeners and locked doors.
My heart goes out to poor Vicki Gardner of the local Chamber of Commerce who was truly innocent and just trying to promote trade and good feeling for Smith Mountain Lake. Shot down by an angry talking head.