One of the greatest features of the Internet is the ability to go back in time with a "click" and see what people were actually saying 2, 3 or 5 years ago on a given subject. I use this capability to great effect here on this blog, or at least I thought I did until I read this Niall Ferguson article, "The Rise and Fall of Krugmania in the UK", posted on the HuffPo news/opinion aggregator. This scathing review grabs Keynesian economics premier acolyte by his small balls and twists - hard. Not really any new news here as the KOTCB blog has a permanent link to Paul Krugman's writings (see Clown Links > BullKrug) and that's just the old stuff - stops at 2010 before the results of his advise really started to sink in here in the USA. In Brittan the Labour Party went Balls deep into the Krughole and now...
Never Mind the Bollocks - Krugman is taking his Holidays in the Sun.
Never Mind the Bollocks - Krugman is taking his Holidays in the Sun.