I'm not sure why I even bothered to tune into Bush's address the other night. I guess I was still holding onto some hope that reason may yet prevail with regard to US policy in Iraq. Nearly four years of critical miscalculations and what is the solution now? Send more troops? Jesus George! Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. What do we call that class? Insanity! That's right class, insanity. The leader of our country is insane! His Cabinet is insane. The Congress is insane. America is insane. The whole world has gone mad. Git yer gun Meeshaw and run for the hills! The terrorists are coming to town and they don't take kindly to the likes of you or your Christian God. What did Walter say in the Big Lebowski? "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass, Larry. This is what happens when you FUCK a STRANGER in the ASS!" We wanted it. We deserve it. We got it.